EMD as a Service Platform

Axcess Capital Advisors Inc. (ACAI) has regulatory approval to provide Exempt Market Dealer as a Service (EMDaaS) to MIEs, MICs and other issuers in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario.

The EMDaaS platform allows issuers to register an in-house Dealing Representative with ACAI who will provide sales support to the issuer. All oversight on registerable activities and compliance supervision on the in-house Dealing Representative will be done by ACAI.

This allows issuers to raise capital from their current client database at a significantly lower cost while controlling their valuable client database. It also means the issuer does not have to rely on a third-party EMD for distribution or register as an EMD in order to raise capital.

A full due diligence review by ACAI will still be required.

Controlling your capital requirements while protecting your valued client database is as important to us as it is to you.